BabyNurse | مادریار
An Android-only baby care app. With Babynurse, parents would have something close to a nurse.
MultiTap Wear Keyboard
A multi-tap (T9) keyboard for Wear OS smartwatches.
Wear Favorite Apps Launcher
A launcher only for the favorite apps on Wear OS smartwatches.
Weasy Launcher
A circular launcher as a replacement for Wear OS smartwatches’ default launcher.
Wear Persian Calendar
A compact persian calendar for Wear OS smartwatches.
Complications Set
A set of handy complications for Wear OS smartwatches.
Realtime Multi Object Detector
A Java app which processes a 800x600 image in 8ms using a Quadro P5000 GPU. The app is developed using DeepLearning4J with transfer learning on pre-trained Tiny-YOLO v2. A custom dataset has been prepared for the system.
An app for reservation of flights, hotels, trains, buses, and travel insurances. This massive app supports notifications, map, ads, and more. I implemented both Android and iOS apps from scratch.
An app for buying and selling vehicles. I implemented both Android and iOS apps from scratch.
It’s a Market for electrical apps. Something like a mini Google Playstore!
Apps Maker CMS
An application for creating Mobile Applications (Java, Android, and iOS) with no coding. The user just needs to create forms and add the desired views to them via a convenient GUI. Everything is done by clicking some buttons and going through respective flows.
Persian Digits OCR
A persian digits OCR system which ranked 1st at the international Persian digits competition held by the University of Birjand at 2013.
Automatic Face Detection and Recognition System
My team and I developed a face detection and recognition system to participate in the AAIC 2013 face recognition competition at Amirkabir University of Technology. The system’s focus was on a robust feature extraction using Gabor filter and LBP. LDA was utilized for feature reduction. The system was ranked 3rd in a close competition.
MBTranslator Assistant
A desktop app for Persian translators to create movies/series subtitles. The app supports different subtitle formats like srt and sub/idx.
A dialup!! Internet connections management app. The app manages passwords, data usages, and everything related to dialup Internet connections.
BehNama Java Mobile Library
A java mobile GUI library for designing Java Mobile Applications. With BehNama, a developer didn’t need to use any of the native GUI components.
Passengers Accounting System
In the early years of my bachelor’s, Kashan Department of Education asked for an accounting system to handle new year holidays’ passengers. My friend and I volunteered for the job, and implemented the system in 3 months. In addition to usual accounting features, it could print receipts and invoices, and it supported special shortcuts to make the data entry process faster.
Behnevis Java Mobile Library
A BiDi text handler library for using Persian (RTL) texts in Java Mobile Applications by Bitmap fonts.